5 Project Resource Planning Practices you need to Focus on!

Laughing businesswoman working in office with laptopIf your project is successful, it is often because of an organized execution and the best people to do the job. Have you ever wondered why some resources are more effective than others?

What if I told you that not every company executes Project Resource Planning (RPR) effectively? What if there were Kendo self-hosted Project Management practices or habits that could be adopted by everyone which would help your projects run smoother, be better organized and increase productivity?

Let’s talk about five things companies can do to improve their RPR processes! You should always ensure you’re using the RASCI model when organizing your project tasks and assigning people to them. The RASCI model includes: Responsible Active Supportive Consulted Inactive Here’s a visual representation: Basically if you don’t utilize all the roles, you’re not doing it right.

The Importance of RPR in Project Management To reiterate and add a bit more to what was said above, here’s why using this model is so important: Responsible – This means making sure that the person actually has all the information they need to execute their task(s). If you have any doubts, find out! Active – Include people who are active communicators and easy to reach. It’s one thing if they’re early adopters or self-starters but another if there are questions on where things stand at any given moment. Supportive – These people are just as crucial as the other two because they give feedback and can help ensure that tasks are carried out with accuracy. Consulted – This is your go-to point for people who have questions and aren’t sure how things are supposed to be done or what’s expected. Inactive – Everyone needs a little break sometimes but inactive means they’re not participating in the project.

Man in Black Crew Neck T-shirt Sitting Beside Woman in Gray Crew Neck T-shirtEmpower, involve and inspire your team by making them feel involved in whatever you do as a Project Manager! The most efficient way to manage projects effectively is through communication! You may even start seeing an improvement in how much work gets done on time, within budget and without issues- because of this alone! But what about any other projects? What about when responsibilities are unclear? Or if someone hasn’t been consulted? Look at it like this: If there are any questions or confusion about a project, it’s going to take up time which could lead to your team getting burnt out.

Ideally, the best way for projects to run smoothly is through communication! It’s essential that you have an engaging and supportive environment where people feel valued and appreciated. Don’t underestimate the power of a good RPR process in both quantity and quality!

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