Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer

When you’re facing criminal charges, a los angeles criminal lawyer can protect your rights and help get them dropped. A defense attorney can also help you understand the implications of a conviction, such as hefty fines and jail time. He or she may be able to get the case dismissed or reduce the penalties by working with prosecutors to get a plea agreement.

SLG Saffari Law Group has been in business since 2005 and handles federal and state criminal cases. The firm defends accused individuals throughout the legal process, which includes interviewing police officers and alleged victims. It has handled more than 70 trials and can negotiate with prosecutors on behalf of clients. The firm can help with sex crimes, theft crimes, and traffic offenses.

Finding a Reliable Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer

Manshoory Law Group APC has been in business since 2014 and handles a variety of criminal defense matters. It defends individuals who are charged with serious offenses, such as homicide and domestic violence. The firm’s attorneys can also deal with claims involving drug possession and manufacturing, parole and weapons violations, and sexual and domestic abuse. The firm can also modify probation terms and expunge records.

Allison B. Margolin PLC is a boutique firm that handles criminal defense, regulatory compliance, and business legal matters in Los Angeles. It represents lawyers, doctors, business owners, and public figures, among others. The firm’s attorneys have more than 60 years of combined experience in mounting effective defense strategies. They can also handle high-stakes misdemeanor and felony cases for police officers, teachers, and other professionals.

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