Keeping your email reputation clean is critical to email deliverability. Inbox service providers like Gmail and Outlook take into account your email sender reputation when deciding whether to deliver emails directly to recipients’ primary inboxes or to their spam folders. They use a variety of factors to evaluate your email reputation, including your IP address and domain reputation, engagement metrics, and a host of other factors that determine how your messages are treated.
In order to avoid being flagged as a spammer, you need to follow best practices and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) that will impact your email reputation. Here are some ways to build a good email reputation:
Monitor Mailbox Provider Reputations
To monitor and improve your email deliverability, you can utilize tools such as email address reputation checker. These third-party and mailbox-specific tools can provide insights into how individual mailbox providers rank your email reputation. These tools leverage a variety of data sources, from user opening performance to email authentication protocols.
However, these tools should be used with caution as they can vary in terms of their methods and algorithms. They can also rely on different types of data sources, so be sure to compare results between tools.
Other factors that can affect your email reputation include the volume of emails you send and the rate at which subscribers mark your emails as spam. Maintaining consistent sending patterns is important to avoid sudden spikes that can negatively impact your reputation. Additionally, implementing email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can help verify your identity as a sender. Finally, regularly cleaning your email list and ensuring that your email addresses are valid can help lower bounce rates and improve your email engagement metrics.